Kollöffel, B., Eijsink, T.H.S, de Jong, T., & Wilhelm, P. (in press). The effects of representational format on learning combinatorics from an interactive computer-simulation. Instructional Science.
Pieters, J.M., Limbach, R., de Jong, T. (2007). Determining characteristics of an information support system for designing discovery learning environments. International Journal of Learning Technology , 3 , 72-86.
van der Meij, J., & de Jong, T. (2006). Learning with multiple representations: Supporting students' learning with multiple representations in a dynamic simulation-based learning environment. Learning & Instruction, 16, 199-212. Go to article*
Gijlers, H., & de Jong, T. (2005). The relation between prior knowledge and students’ collaborative discovery learning processes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42, 264-282. Go to article*
Swaak, J., de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W. R. (2004). The effects of discovery learning and expository instruction on the acquisition of definitional and intuitive knowledge. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20, 225-234. Go to article*
van der Meij, J., & De Jong, T. (2004). Leren met multipele representaties. TINFON Tijdschrift voor Informatica Onderwijs, 13, 17-20.
van der Meij, J. (2001). Begeleid ontdekkend leren met simquest. TINFON Tijdschrift voor Informatica Onderwijs, 10, 15-19.
Veermans, K. H., de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W. R. (2000). Promoting self directed learning in simulation based discovery learning environments through intelligent support. Interactive Learning Environments, 8, 229-255. Go to article*
de Jong, T., Martin, E., Zamarro, J.-M., Esquembre, F., Swaak, J., & van Joolingen, W. R. (1999). The integration of computer simulation and learning support; an example from the physics domain of collisions. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36, 597-615. Go to article*
de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W. R. (1998). Scientific discovery learning with computer simulations of conceptual domains. Review of Educational Research, 68, 179-201. Go to article*
Swaak, J., van Joolingen, W. R., & de Jong, T. (1998). Supporting simulation-based learning; the effects of model progression and assignments on definitional and intuitive knowledge. Learning and Instruction, 8, 235-253. Go to article*
van Joolingen, W. R., & de Jong, T. (1997). An extended dual search space model of scientific discovery learning. Instructional Science, 25, 307-346. Go to article*
* Full text only available when you have a subscription for the journal
Book chapters
Swaak, J., & de Jong, T. (2007). Order or no order: System vs. learner control in sequencing simulation-based scientific discovery learning. In F. E. Ritter, J. Nerb, T. M.O'Shea, & E. Lehtinen (Eds.), In order to learn: How the sequence of topics influences learning (pp. 181-194). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
de Jong, T., & Pieters, J. M. (2006). The design of powerful learning environments. In P. A. Alexander & P. H. Winne (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Psychology (2nd ed.) (pp. 739-755). Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
de Jong, T. (2006). Scaffolds for scientific discovery learning. In J. Elen & D. Clark (Eds.), Handling complexity in learning environments: research and theory (pp. 107-128). London: Elsevier Science Publishers.
de Jong, T. (2005). The guided discovery principle in multimedia learning. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (pp. 215-229). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
de Jong, T., van Joolingen, W. R., Veermans, K., & van der Meij, J. (2005). Authoring discovery learning environments: In search for reusable components. In J. M. Spector & D. A. Wiley (Eds.), Innovations in instructional technology: Essays in honor of M. David Merrill (pp. 11-28). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
van Joolingen, W. R., & de Jong, T. (2003). Simquest: Authoring educational simulations. In T. Murray, S. Blessing & S. Ainsworth (Eds.), Authoring tools for advanced technology educational software: Toward cost-effective production of adaptive, interactive, and intelligent educational software (pp. 1-31). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
PhD theses
The following PhD thesis that were conducted within the SimQuest framework were completed:
Hendrikse, P. (2008). ICT supported structured discovery learning in mathematics. University of Twente. (Sponsored by NWO)
Van der Meij, J. (2007). Support for learning with multiple representations. Designing simulation-based learning environments. University of Twente.
Vreman, C. (2006) Learning by design. Using
SimQuest as an authoring tool for learners. University of Twente.
(Sponsored by NWO).
Gijlers, H. (2005). Confrontation and co-construction. Exploring and supporting
collaborative scientific discovery learning with computer simulations. University of Twente.
Veermans, K. (2003). User modelling in simulation-based discovery
environments. University of Twente
Gellevij, M. (2002). Visuals in Instruction. Functions of Screen
Captures in Software Manuals. University of Twente
Hulshof, C. (2001). Discovery of Ideas and Ideas about Discovery.
The influence of Prior Knowledge on Scientific Discovery Learning in
Computer-based simulations. University of Twente.
Limbach, R (2001). Supporting authors of instructional
simulations with an information system. University of Twente
Kuyper, M. (1998). Knowledge engineering for usability.
Model-mediated interaction design of authoring instructional
simulations. University of Amsterdam.
Swaak, J. (1998). What-if. Discovery simulations and assessment
of intuitive knowledge. University of Twente.
Van der Hulst, A. (1996). Cognitive tools. Two exercises in non-directive support for exploratory learning. University of Amsterdam.
The following PhD theses are in preparation:
Kollöffel, B. J.
Collaborative discovery learning in multimedia learning
environments. University
of Twente.
(Sponsored by NWO/PROO)
Eysink, T. H. S. Affordances for learning in
multimedial learning environments. University
of Twente.
(Sponsored by NWO/PROO)